yogie pods.

Bringing the joy of Yogie Land to your home or apartment building is an incredible experience. While we are proud to offer programs at preschools, we recognize that our youngest learners, aged 6 months to 3 years, can also benefit from our approach. That's why we've created Yogie Pods, designed to bring the adventure of Yogie Land directly to you, with programming tailored specifically for younger children.

Are you wondering about the requirements for setting up a Yogie Pod? To enroll in our Yogie Pods program, you'll need a minimum of 6 children and no more than 10. You can choose between weekly or bi-weekly classes, according to what fits your schedule best. However, we ask for a minimum commitment of 3 months to ensure a consistent and impactful learning experience for the kids. Ready to bring the unique adventure of Yogie Land to your doorstep?